Sunday, June 21, 2009

Great Grandpa

This is one of the few pictures I have of my Great Grandfather Mattie, Great Grandmother Nancy, their son Roy and Roy's two oldest girls Arlene and Clarice.
Mattie (James Madison) was born in 1855 in Graves Co. Ky. and died in 1929 in Dent Co. Mo.
His father was William Henry and his father was Joshua brother of the elusive Josiah buried in California. Both Joshua and Josiah were the sons of James Gamblin and Nelly (Noel), James being the son of Joshua Younger son of William and Susannah.
Nancy was Nancy Minerva Norris born in 1848 and died in 1930 in Dent Co. Missouri. Roy was their youngest son and brother to my grandfather Bradford. His first daughter Arlene was born in 1922 so I'm guessing she was about 5 or 6 in the picture which means it was taken shortly before Mattie died.
I have a wonderful story about Nancy and her family during the civil war - I'll post it one day.


  1. Thelma, I've seen all these names when I was searching. My GrGrGrandfather was Madison, born 1822 in Hopkins Co. I wonder if your Mattie was named after him? Your Williams was brother to my John who was the father of Madison. Could be.

  2. I would think that Mattie was named after your GGGGrandfather! Madison your relative was the son of John, who was the son of Joshua Younger. My Mattie, son of William, son of Joshua, son of James, son of Joshua Younger, so there is a genertion gap between them. Confused yet!
    The name Madison is still in our family, my cousin was Philip Madison he was the first cousin born to Bradford and Clara and is in the picture on my Title page.

  3. Hi Thelma,
    I am Kathleen Gamblin, You visited our family blog . I am a Gamblin by marriage and my mother-in-law was very much into genealogy . She passed away two years ago but I have boxes and boxes in our storage facility. I am excited that you found us.


  4. Boxes and Boxes in storage???!!! Thelma you're hittin paydirt this year!

  5. I just wish they were in my I hope Kathleen stays in touch, I love finding family.

  6. I started.....
